Best tool for cutting zip-ties

cutting zip-ties with toe nail scissors

For cutting zip-ties I have used several more or less adequate tools, from the scissors of a pocket knife to full size scissors and wire cutters. While all of these tools got the job done, there was always some drawback:

The pocket knife scissors were – let’s say – challenged with bigger zip-ties. The blades would slide off the hard plastic band and the arms (legs?) made it hard to apply much pressure. Still it was compact enough for tight places and provided a clean cut for slimmer zip-ties.

The full size scissors were a bit unwieldy and tended so slide as well. Also when you need to cut with the tips, the blades would spread apart rather than cut. Due to their thick blades, you couldn’t slide them underneath a tightened zip-tie.

Wire cutters made short process of zip-ties of any thickness. By design they don’t cut the material, but pinch it until it breaks. That leaves sharp edges, which occasionally drew blood when I lifted the bike in the car.

Then I read that someone uses a nail clipper and I wanted to test it for myself.
At a drugstore I came across these toe nail scissors instead. The arms are spring loaded, smoothly curved, long and wide enough to require little hand strength and – best of all – the blades have micro serrated cutting edges. This means they don’t slip and their slim-ish blades allow for close and clean cuts.

serrated cutting edge

Contrary to nail clippers, you could also use them to cut off strips from an old inner tube or similar, if need be. I have also used them to cut open blister packing and trim other hard plastics.
As a final bonus, if you open them completely, they hardly take up more space than a pen would.

space saving, when fully opened